BOD POD Testing
We determine body composition (body fat and fat-free mass) with the BOD POD Gold Standard Body Composition Tracking System, which uses whole-body densitometry. This test takes less than 10 minutes and you receive highly accurate, safe, comfortable and fast test results.
Schedule Your AppointmentHow the BOD POD Works
The BOD POD works by measuring changes in pressure when you are inside the chamber compared to an empty chamber. From these pressure changes, we determine the volume of air you are displacing and your total body volume. By knowing your total body volume, we calculate your body density by dividing your body weight (which we measure with a precise scale attached to the BOD POD) by volume. We use body density to determine percentage body fat and fat-free mass. You receive a report with your body volume, body density, total body weight, weight of lean mass, weight of fat mass, and percent body fat.
Frequently Asked Questions
You will simply sit in a chamber that looks like a space ship for a few minutes without moving, while continuing to breathe normally. The test takes less than 10 minutes and you receive highly accurate, safe, comfortable and fast test results.
This test requires tight fitting clothing, preferably spandex shorts, bathing suits or sports bras or synthetic (non-cotton) fabric. You will be given a swim cap to wear for the test to prevent the air typically trapped in your hair from influencing the test.
It is best not to eat within two hours prior to completing your BOD POD test.
BOD POD, standard rate: $45
BOD POD, UK student/employee rate: $30
Quark RMR, standard rate: $55
Quark RMR, UK student/employee rate: $40
BOD POD & Quark RMR Combo, standard rate: $85
BOD POD & Quark RMR Combo, UK student/employee rate: $55
BOD POD Photos
Connect With Us
Performance Nutrition and Body Composition Laboratory
Department of Dietetics and Human Nutrition
Dr. Tammy J. Stephenson, PhD, FAND
Department Chair & Professor
117 Funkhouser Building
Lexington, KY 40506